

Happy new year to all. Wishing everyone peace and prosperity in 2024

A little pre-New Year’s Eve fun with Steelers Fans of Minnesota at Patrick McGovern’s. Got the wife, both kiddos, and 2 nieces to join me. 🏈

View from the rooftop, made possible by our new third-floor deck. I love being surrounded by the century-old oak trees.

Someone needs to invent smoke/CO alarms that only make non-emergency chirps during daytime. If my living room CO detector needed to inform me that it was at end off life, surely that could have waited until morning?

It’s not often that I root for the Jets - Growing up around a lot of Jets obnoxious fans in NJ gave me a bad taste for the team. But I’ll root for them tonight to beat up on the Browns! J-E-T-S Jets! Jets! Jets! 🏈

Me and more than 50 of my friends from Steelers Fans of Minnesota invaded Tailgate Sports Cafe for today’s game.

One of my daughter’s college friends had to swing by our house to pick something up. This friend has lived her entire life in rural Minnesota, and was raised to believe that the city is scary and dangerous. We live in the city.

This girl was so afraid that she brought a friend and made her walk from the car up to our front door, even in broad daylight. She was too scared to leave her car.

I get that city life isn’t for everyone, but the level of irrational fear of cities astounds me.

A little masking can’t ruin date night: Dinner at Murray’s followed by a night at the theater.

My wife’s 90-year-old father just tested positive for COVID. Let’s hope his updated boosters help keep this to a mild case.

Interested to see what happens when Trump’s Colorado ballot access goes to the Supreme Court. My understanding is that Supremes are unlikely to override the basic finding of fact - that Trump is guilty of participating in an insurrection. But it’s less clear if that disqualifies him from the ballot.

6 AM is way too early for a PT appointment. I will never understand “morning people”

Out to dinner at Red Cow with whole fam now that E is back home from her first semester of college.

Am I the only one who has to look up their own contact information on a regular basis? Online forms that require a work phone and/or work address - information that I rarely use - are such a pet peeve of mine.

I woke up this morning with unexplained knee pain that wasn’t there when I went to bed. I’ve heard of sleep walking, but is it possible I’ve begun done kind of sleep dancing to trigger this new pain?

Getting ready to sign up for my 5th Ultimate Hike and I’m torn on which one. I could stick with my usual August event on the Superior Hiking Trail, or I could try the September event near Jackson Hole. Decisions, decisions…

It’s hard to get up and be productive when this guy parks himself on your lap.