

I only got up for a few minutes, but it was plenty of time for this little devil to steal my spot on the couch.

Taking in a show at The Orpheum in Minneapolis. This was great family fun for any Twin Cities folks looking for a good laugh.

Just happened to throw on a Star Wars t-shirt today, without realizing it was May the 4th…

Nothing like an unexpected $2000 bill for my wife’s allergy treatments to remind me of how screwed up the US healthcare system is.

This red-winged blackbird has been looking at his own reflection all day. I think I will name him Narcissus. F2E75F6D-0629-4558-BDFE-A7ED05367CB4.jpg

No matter how many times I “thumbs down” his songs, Pandora seems to never learn that I don’t like ANY Neil Young.

Today I had a co-worker tell me “I think in PowerPoint”. I don’t think I’d be telling people if I was burdened with such an affliction.

Record cold snap is hitting much of the US. I wonder how long it will take before Trump cites it as proof that climate change is a hoax.

Finally got to try out the battery-powered snowblower I got for Christmas. So nice to come in after clearing the driveway not stinking of oil and gas.

25 people sitting in a room for 2 days of product planning meetings. At least 10 of those people really like to hear themselves talk. I strongly suspect that we will be officially behind schedule within the hour.

I’d be more sympathetic to critiques of Democrats in the government funding debate if Senate leadership would allow votes on the bills presented by House leadership. McConnell is too afraid of his base to be a real leader.

Ugh… So sick of the Patriots making it to (at least) the AFC championship game every flippin’ year.

This girl is making over her room, and doing the IKEA furniture assembly herself. The Vittsjö shelves are coming along nicely. F84BF35C-0C77-4261-870B-37BA28D6195F.jpg

Looks like Bitsy has been snacking on puzzle pieces. Apparently the red ones are the tastiest. 88E83C28-E960-4702-8F9C-AC15F7BAD67E.jpg

I’ve been watching Pine Gap on Netflix, and finding it a bit weird because I spent some time working in that facility back in the 90s. Brings back a lot of memories from my time lurking around in Alice Springs.

I grew up in an area of New Jersey where you could find a Dunkin Donuts at almost any corner. I was very excited when they opened one near me in Minneapolis. Unfortunately, this is not the DD I was looking for. Nostalgia denied…

As I try to reduce my use of Facebook, I am struck by how addicted I’ve become to the notifications I get when something I post is liked. I like that m.b. doesn’t feed my addiction, but I feel a bit like a smoker having a nicotine craving.

Our next-door neighbor passed away sometime in the past few days. He lived alone and wasn’t found until a police check-in after a relative reported their concern. We didn’t know him too well, but I am always saddened when someone is alone through their final hours.

I’m thinking that 2019 is the year to kick my Facebook habit. Not sure how successful I will be, but it’s worth a try.